Shannon Symposium

On October 15-16 2001, fourteen world-renowned experts on information theory gave technical presentations at a conference co-sponsored by Calit² and dedicated to Claude Shannon, the "father of information theory." (* indicates winners of the prestigious annual IEEE Shannon Award)

The Shannon Symposium coincided with the dedication of a statue (at left) of Shannon installed in the Center for Magnetic Recording Research (CMRR) at the University of California, San Diego. As the inscription below the statue states, Shannon's "formulation of the mathematical theory of communication provided the foundation for the development of data storage and transmission systems that launched the information age." The conference was organized by Jack Wolf, professor of electrical and computer engineering at UCSD's Jacobs School of Engineering.

The Shannon Symposium was webcast live and all the presentations are now available on demand using RealPlayer. (Download RealPlayer) For cleanest viewing, we recommend that when the RealPlayer panel appears, go to View and uncheck all items. A ..pdf of each presentation is also available for viewing and/or printing. (The webcast and graphics can be viewed simultaneously by re-sizing the video and ..pdf boxes.)

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Andrew Viterbi* - The Viterbi Group LLC
Quantized Iterative Decoding with Closed-Form Density Evolution Recursions for LDPC Codes on the AWGN Channel
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Elwyn Berlekamp* - University of California, Berkeley
Shannon's Work on Block Code Performance and Its Impact
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Solomon Golomb* - University of Southern California
The Claude Shannon I Knew
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Toby Berger* - Cornell University
Living Systems are Shannon-Optimum Without Coding
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G. David Forney, Jr.* - MIT
Approaching Channel Capacity
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Robert Lucky - Telcordia Technologies
Impact of Shannon on Modern Telecommunications
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David L. Neuhoff - University of Michigan
Time Stamp Coding - A Problem Shannon Did Not Answer?
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Paul Siegel - University of California, San Diego
The Continuing Miracle of Information Storage Technology
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Robert McEliece - Caltech
The Generalized Distributive Law (with Loops) and Free Energy Minimization
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Thomas Cover - Stanford University
The Value of State Information in Communications and Data Compression
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Edward van der Meulen - Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (Belgium)
The Duality Between Successive Refinement of Information by Source Coding with Fidelity Constraints and Efficient Multilevel Channel Coding Under Cost Constraints
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Ian Blake - University of Toronto
Randomness and Determination in Coding Theory
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Shu Lin - University of California, Davis
Construction of Low Density Parity Check Codes: Combinatorial Approaches
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Alon Orlitsky - University of California, San Diego
Universal Data Compression