Calit2 Offers Streaming Video of 'Bootcamp' for Startups in Biotech, IT and Nanotechnology

By Doug Ramsey, (858) 822-5825,

San Diego, CA, June 7, 2006  -- The first-ever UCSD Startup Bootcamp took place in May at Atkinson Hall, Calit2's headquarters on the La Jolla campus. The day-long workshop was co-chaired by UCSD assistant vice chancellor Alan Paau, who directs the university's Technology Transfer and Intellectual Property Services (TechTIPS) program, and Fred Volinsky, CEO of Epiphany Biosciences. Billed as a meeting where faculty, students, staff and industry participants could learn "how'd they do that?" about forming companies, the bootcamp provided a wide range of information on starting new businesses, through a combination of presentations and panel discussions. Entrepreneurs, legal experts, accountants, venture capitalists and professors-turned-businessmen took part in panel discussions focused on startups in three major sectors: biomedical technology, information technology, and nanotechnology. Attendees also heard from Ginger Graham, CEO of Amylin Pharmaceuticals, Inc., who delivered the keynote talk after lunch.

Now, Calit2 is making all of the sessions available for on-demand viewing [Real player and broadband connection required]. Just click on the relevant photo, or the video link.

Fred Volinsky
Fred Volinsky, Chief Executive Officer
Epiphany Biosciences
Length: 9:46 [video]
Alan Paau
Entrepreneurial Culture at UCSD
Alan Paau, Assistant Vice Chancellor
University of California, San Diego
Length: 18:13 [video]
Nanotechnology Panel
Nanotechnology: Where Convergence Meets
New Opportunities
(l-r) Michael O'Donnell, Partner, Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati (moderator); Larry Bock, Executive Chairman, Nanosys Inc.; Adriana Vela, Founder and Chair, NanoBioNexus; Terry Moore, Managing Director, Hamilton Tech Capital Partners; Clint Bybee, Co-founder and Managing Director, Arch Ventures.
Length:  56:13     [video]
Biomed Panel
Startups in the Biomedical Space
(l-r, top to bottom) Fred Volinsky, CEO, Epiphany Biosciences (moderator); Chris Christoffersen, General Partner, Morgenthaler Associates; Barry Selick, Venture Partner, Sofinnova Ventures; Paul Grayson, General Partner, Sanderling Biomedical Ventures; Krisztina Zsebo, Entrepreneur in Residence, Enterprise Partners Venture Capital; Bryan Roberts, General Partner, VenRock Associates; Ivor Royston, Managing Member, Forward Ventures. 
Length: 1:15:35 [video]
Ginger Graham
Ginger Graham, CEO, Amylin Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
Part One: Length: 17:22    [video]
Part Two: Length: 35:18  [video]
IT Panel
Startups in the Information Technology Space
(l-r) Bill Decker, UCSD TechTIPS (moderator); Sujit Dey, Professor, Jacobs School of Engineering and CTO, Ortiva Wireless; Cahit Akin, President, Mushroom Networks and Principal, ITU Ventures; Michael O'Donnell, Partner, Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati; Tim Rueth, CEO, Rhevision Technology Inc.; Franz Birkner, Managing Director, Express Ventures;  Michael Lutz, Tech Coast Angels;  Length: 1:06:09 [video]

The UCSD Startup Bootcamp was organized and presented by UCSD TechTIPS and co-hosted by NanoBioNexus, Nano Tumor Center, and VentureForth, the student association for budding entrepreneurs on the UCSD campus. For speaker bios, click here .

Related Links

UCSD Startup Bootcamp Website
Startup Bootcamp Photo Gallery