Communications and Networking Symposium Scheduled at UC Irvine

09.15.06-- A symposium showcasing the capabilities of UCI faculty members in the field of communications and networking will be held in the Calit2 Building 5:30-9:30 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 27. Funded by the UC Discovery Grant program and cosponsored by Calit2 and OCTANe, the event will include a panel of three industry and government experts who will present their views on how to combine infrastructure, privacy and security in next-generation Network Centric Operations (NOC).

Discovery Grant


There will also be four 30-minute-long sessions, in two parallel tracks, where capabilities of UCI faculty members in four areas of communications and networking will be highlighted. The event will conclude with a networking reception in the Calit2 auditorium.

Event details follow:    

Communications and Networking:   Challenges in Emerging Technologies and Applications

A special event sponsored by the UC Discovery Grant Program,                        OCTANe,and CALIT2

Place: Calit2 Building, UC Irvine 

Date: Wednesday, Sept. 27, 2006

Time: 5:30-9 p.m.

Calit2 and OCTANe are inaugurating the start of the new academic year 2006-07 with a unique event. Funding for this event has been provided by a Partnership Development Award from the UC Discovery Grant Program, which provides funding for university-industry partnerships.

The purpose of the event is to showcase to industry the capabilities of UCI faculty members in the field of communications and networking, in an ambiance where research and development ideas of mutual interest to industry, government and UCI may be shared. 

  • UCI faculty with research activity in communications and networking that can benefit industry are cordially invited to participate
  • California companies with interest or activities in the field of communications and networking are cordially invited to attend and interact with UCI faculty in the field

All inquiries should be addressed to:

  • Tanya Zabalegui, corporate relations manager, Calit2:;            949-824-7866.

Event Organizers:

Event Description



A panel of three industry and government experts will present their views on how to combine infrastructure, privacy and security in the next-generation Network Centric Operations (NOC)

Moderator: Gary Augusta, president & CEO, OCTANe

Augusta brings more than 15 years experience to his role as executive director of OCTANe,the first, formal comprehensive initiative in Orange County . Its mission is to create a network and business creation process to quickly identify, support and accelerate information and biomedical technology growth in Orange County and the region.

David Flessas, vice president, network operations, Sprint Nextel Network Services

Flessas and his team are responsible for surveillance, remote management and maintenance of Sprint Nextel’s wireless and wireline networks, including switch, transport, data and message application platforms.

Sheryl Sizelove, chair, Technical Council, Network Centric Operations Industry Consortium (NCOIC), and director of NCO Architecture Engineering, The Boeing Company

The Technical Council of the NCOIC is an international not-for-profit corporation dedicated to forming a common industry-wide technical infrastructure for enabling network centric operations.

Robert Fox, lieutenant, Los Angeles Joint Regional Intelligence Center

Lt. Fox is currently a co-program manager of the Los Angeles Joint Regional Intelligence Center , a terrorism intelligence and analysis partnership among the LAPD, the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department, the Department of Homeland Security and the Federal Bureau of Investigation.



Faculty Event Coordinator: Prof. Rui J. P. de Figueiredo

There will be four 30-minute-long sessions, in two parallel tracks, where these capabilities in four areas of communications and networking will be highlighted by presentations given by the respective session organizer(s). The faculty involved will be present to answer questions. There will be further opportunity for discussion and networking at the networking reception. The areas and respective organizers are listed below.

Track I

Communication Systems   Physical Layer

                                                                                                                                                        (Prof. Hamid Jafarkhani)

Wireless Communications                                                                 MIMO                                                                                                                                       Space-Time Coding
Broadband Communications
Multi-User Communications


Multimedia Applications                                                                                                       (Profs. Ramesh Jain & Athina Markopoulou)

Multi-modal systems                                                                                                          Voice and video streaming over wired/wireless packet networks                                  Immersive Tele-presence                                                                                               Reflective and Adaptive Middleware for Multimedia Systems                                      Multimedia Services                                                                                                    Computer Vision                                                                                                    Visualization & Virtual Reality

Track II

Communication Networks I                                                                                                  

Content-Based Network Design and Operation, Network Management

(Prof. Kevin Tsai)

Flow control, Routing and Traffic Management                                                                   Network Security & Applied Cryptography                                                                        Internet Routing                                                                                                              Wireless/Ad-hoc Networks                                                                                                      Net-centric Enterprise Computing                                                                                             Real-Time Distributed Knowledge Systems                                                                               Intelligent Networks



Communications Networks II                                                                                              Protocol, Architecture& Database Design and Operation                                                (Profs. T. Suda and Stephen Jenks)


Architectures & Protocols for Parallel/Distributed Communication Networks                     Ultra-Reliable Real-Time Networks                                                                                          Object-Oriented Communications                                                                                             Network Processing of Complex Multidimensional Data Sets