CODA Genomics Inc. Obtains License on Patents for Technology Developed at UCI

04.27.05 -- CODA Genomics Inc. and UC Irvine's Donald Bren School of Information and Computer Sciences (ICS) announced this week that CODA was granted an exclusive license to certain issued patents (US 5,082,767) and patent applications of the university related to Computer Optimized DNA Assembly (CODA) and protein expression optimization.

The technology was developed at UCI's Institute for Genomics and Bioinformatics (IGB), a Calit2-affiliated research unit, by Richard Lathrop, professor of computer science in the Bren School of ICS, and G. Wesley Hatfield, professor of microbiology and molecular genetics in the school of medicine.

Institute for Genomics and Bioinformatics
Institute for Genomics and

"UC Irvine includes among its goals the transfer of technology developments into the private sector," said Debra J. Richardson, dean of the Bren School of ICS. "We are very pleased to see such interdisciplinary collaborations between ICS and the school of medicine, which showcase the possibilities of using intense computational methods to aid in biological advances, licensed to CODA Genomics."

CODA is a rigorous computational method that allows researchers in protein expression to optimize the assembly of chemically synthesized genes so thoroughly that only individual gene products are created from a pooled self-assembly of DNA. Such a process normally involves costly and time-consuming sequencing and sequence correction. Once computationally optimized for proper assembly, genes are then further optimized for characteristics that ensure that they express the desired protein well and with proper structure in the expression system of choice, currently a difficult hurdle in protein research.

Robert Molinari, CEO of CODA Genomics said, "This combination of pioneering technologies allows CODA to offer kits which enable simple and RELIABLE protocols for assembly and expression of genes by individual researchers in their own labs. This saves time and expense. For large protein drug SAR (structure-activity relationship) studies, libraries of individual directed constructs can be made easily and quickly, with relative certainty that proteins will express properly." Molinari further explained, "This is the first time I have seen super-computing level processing applied to eliminating much of the wet biology research previously necessary for such projects."

David G. Schetter, assistant vice chancellor for Research & Technology Alliances at UCI said, "We are delighted with the licensing of this technology, pioneered by UCI's early recognition that bioinformatics and genomics needed to be united in a multi-disciplinary institute such as the IGB to address some of biology's most difficult problems. This new company will enhance our local economy, add jobs and provide the researchers access to small business research funds to further develop this important technology."

The CODA Genomics license will allow this technology to benefit biotech and pharmaceutical companies and help biology research communities at large in the form of commercial products that impact research productivity in proteomics and proteomics drug discovery.

ABOUT CODA Genomics:
CODA Genomics Inc. was started in 2004 to commercialize the DNA assembly and protein expression optimization work from the labs of Drs. Lathrop and Hatfield at UC Irvine. Only CODA technology optimizes codon usage preferences and codon-pair preferences of expressing organisms globally and subject to generating a large bias favoring assembly of proper constructs only. CODA's motto: "Synthetics Genes-Correct by Assembly, not Assembled by Correction." is put into practice with the company's CODExpressTM Gene Kits. They allow researchers to more quickly, less expensively and RELIABLY assemble DNA constructs that express individual proteins properly on a scale never before possible. To learn more, please visit:

Michelle Williams, (949) 824-1562,