SD Telecom Council Announces Name Change to CommNexus

10.27.2005 -- The organization formerly known as the San Diego Telecom Council (SDTC) announced this week that it has changed its name to CommNexus San Diego. Members of the community began seeing the new name and logo right away.

CommNexus logo
San Diego Telecom Council's
new name and logo

The name change was sparked by the evolution of the communications industry which, in turn has created a new role for the organization. When the San Diego Telecom Council opened its doors in 1998, the main focus was to form a network of communications companies with the intent of fostering business within the communications technology community. Most of the members were either telecommunications companies or those supporting the cellular industry.  Seven years later, the organization represents a dynamic community that not only includes cellular but all technology that facilitates today’s mobile devices and infrastructure such as; emerging wireless broadband technologies, security software, advanced semiconductors and antennae, mesh networks, storage of data, gaming, media content and applications, and defense.

“Eighteen months ago we conducted a survey of our member and sponsor companies in San Diego,” says Julia Wilson, CEO of CommNexus. “What we found was that the word ‘telecom’ had become limiting, and didn’t represent many of our constituents. The industry has advanced from traditional voice telecommunications to include more comprehensive voice and data capabilities, and as an organization, we needed to reflect that change. Changing our name is just part of the natural progression that reflects where the business is going.”

Additionally, the goals and mission of the organization have evolved to meet the growing needs of San Diego companies. Today the organization’s mission of “growing San Diego’s communications cluster” is achieved not only by networking and technical training, but by facilitating access to capital and access to markets wherever those markets may be. By forming international alliances with communications clusters in Europe and Canada , and expanding into other regions such as Orange County and Los Angeles, CommNexus San Diego is providing San Diego companies with new national and international business opportunities.

“Today, the key to growing San Diego’s SME’s is to facilitate introductions to corporations worldwide,” says Mark Steele , Chairman of CommNexus San Diego. “By providing our members with key contacts and introductions into other markets, we are in turn growing a local economy – creating jobs and enhancing our local (economic) climate.”

On October 11, 2005 the San Diego World Trade Center named the organization “Service Organization of the Year” from for its continued efforts to position San Diego and local businesses for international recognition and market success. By changing the name of the organization and moving away from a regional-centric mark, CommNexus San Diego will continue to broaden its scope to assist in forming local and global partnerships to create business for companies in San Diego.

About CommNexus San Diego

CommNexus San Diego, formally the San Diego Telecom Council, is a non-profit network of communications companies, service providers, and professional trade groups within the public sector. Introducing national and international markets to the emerging technology in our region, CommNexus positions San Diego as a world center for innovation in communications. CommNexus’ core programs, which include 80-100 networking and educational events a year, have formed a tight communications community. To assist in the continued growth of the local community, CommNexus has formed alliances with international communications clusters and will expand its reach into additional technology hot spots within the United States.

For additional information, please call 858/546-4150, or visit

CommNexus San Diego
Beth Avant 858/546.4153