10th Anniversary Research Open House Presentations Now Available for On-Demand Viewing

San Diego, December 16, 2010 -- One week after Calit2 celebrated its 10th anniversary, the institute has posted streaming videos of more than two dozen research presentations delivered by faculty and graduate students during the Research Open House organized by the institute's UC San Diego Division. [Click here to read more about the two-campus celebration and watch video of the morning proceedings. Or, click here to view images of the day's activities in our Flickr Photostream.]

The talks range across a broad set of academic disciplines and societal applications -- from nanotechnology and energy-efficient computing, to wireless health and "wireless everywhere and in everything" (the title of a talk by Larry Larson, chair of the Jacobs School of Engineering's Electrical and Computer Engineering department). Cyberinfrastructure, cloud computing, social networking and biomedical informatics all attracted the interest of the campus community and outside visitors -- offering a rare glimpse into the diversity of work being done on hundreds of projects at any given time in Atkinson Hall, Calit2's home base at UCSD.

Immediately below are a baker's dozen of talks in the Calit2 Auditorium, the venue for the main 10th Anniversary Symposium at UC San Diego. Click here to read talk titles and abstracts, as well as to find links to the websites of all speakers during the session. (To switch from one to another talk in the Auditorium symposium, place your cursor over the viewing window and click on any of the 13 thumbnail images that appear at the bottom of the window.)

Parallel to the talks above, faculty and graduate student recipients of funding under the inaugural Calit2 Strategic Research Opportunities (CSRO) grant program delivered presentations and status reports on their one-year projects, which began in May. The session was introduced by Rajesh Gupta, who created the program and is an Associate Director of the UCSD Division of Calit2 (and now Chair of the Computer Science and Engineering department). Twelve projects were featured during the session, while six others were showcased in demos and other presentations during the Research Open House in other parts of Atkinson Hall. Click here for abstracts, titles and speakers during the CSRO Symposium, all available in the viewing panel below.

For more about the 10th Anniversary events, read the wrapup here, or visit http://10th.calit2.net.

Related Links

10th Anniversary Website 
Article on 10th Anniversary Plenary 
Flickr Photostream

Media Contacts

 Doug Ramsey, 858-822-5825, dramsey@ucsd.edu