Big IDEAS Will be Showcased at Qualcomm Institute

February 22, 2019 / By Katie Ismael

Performers will bring to life a unique combination of arts, science and technology during the 2019 season of the primary performance series of the University of California San Diego's Qualcomm Institute.

The sixth annual Initiative for Digital Exploration of Arts and Sciences (IDEAS) series will kick off on March 1 with “Crossing Boundaries” featuring performances that arise from an interdisciplinary, project-oriented class at UC San Diego with graduate students from multiple academic areas.

Nearly a dozen different events running through the year will be staged and/or presented in the high-tech venues in Atkinson Hall, which is home to the Qualcomm Institute. The institute is the UC San Diego Division of the California Institute for Telecommunications and Information Technology (Calit2).

All performances and presentations will be open to the public and free of charge.

“This will be our sixth season of working with the UC San Diego community to foster, develop and showcase new, interdisciplinary and experimental research in the arts, sciences and technology, which is at the heart of the Qualcomm Institute’s mission,” said Department of Music professor Shahrokh Yadegari, who directs the program. “We look forward to bringing our artists’ and scientists’ vision of how the visual arts, music, theatre and dance, engineering and sciences intersect to our audiences.”

IDEAS was launched in 2013 to encourage UC San Diego artists, technologists, and scientists to take advantage of the Qualcomm Institute's advanced audio-visual facilities, services and personnel in developing and staging interdisciplinary new or existing works.

Performance and research presentation proposals undergo a rigorous peer review by the IDEAS Program Committee, which is composed of faculty and graduate students. Preference is given to submissions that include a range of disciplines and will take maximum advantage of the Qualcomm Institute's combination of visual and audio technologies as well as its internal and external spaces for performances. They are also judged on how they will support IDEAS mission for digital exploration of arts and sciences.

For more information about the IDEAS Performing Arts Series at the Qualcomm Institute, visit


Confirmed performances to date include:

Crossing Boundaries | March 1 and 2— 6 p.m.-8 p.m.— Calit2 Theater, Atkinson Hall

Arctic Immersion, Peter Fee, Josh Tonies, Josh Jones, Madeline Hamann and Catherine Qui | April 18— 5 p.m.-7 p.m.—Calit2 Theater, Atkinson Hall

Rise, Grace Grothaus and Peter Sloan | May 9— 5 p.m.-7 p.m.—Calit2 Theater, Atkinson Hall

Molten Landscape, John Burnett | May 30— 5 p.m.-7 p.m.—Calit2 Theater, Atkinson Hall

Note: the following performances will be updated with links later.

A Performance for EEG, Ariadna Saenz Marin | September 5— 5 p.m.-7 p.m.—Calit2 Theater, Atkinson Hall

Stationed, A Journey, Alexandra Neuman | September | 19— 5 p.m.-7 p.m.—Calit2 Theater, Atkinson Hall

New Works for Percussion, David Bithell | October 9— 5 p.m.-7 p.m.—Calit2 Theater, Atkinson Hall

Driving Stimulator, Colleen Emmenegger and Stephanie Sherman | October 17— 5 p.m.-7 p.m.—Calit2 Theater, Atkinson Hall

Time Unfolded, Johannes Regnier | December 5— 5 p.m.-7 p.m.—Calit2 Theater, Atkinson Hall

Media Contacts

Alicia Clarke
(858) 822-5825