UCI Informatics Professors Receive IBM Eclipse Innovation Awards

September 7, 2006 / By Sherry Main

Irvine, Calif., Sept. 7, 2006 --UC Irvine professors Cristina V. Lopes and Richard Taylor, Calit2 academic affiliates, were recently awarded IBM's Eclipse Innovation Award. Both teach informatics in the Donald Bren School of Computer Sciences.

The Bren School faculty are among 43 recipients of the 2006 award worldwide – the largest number of honorees of any university. This brings the total number of Eclipse award winners at UCI to eight, the most of any university worldwide.

Richard Taylor
Christa Lopes

Raphael's work in cancer genomics began in late 2002, when Colin Collins and Stas Volik, experimental biologists  "

The IBM Eclipse Innovation Award program is an international award competition designed to encourage the use of open source and open standards-based tools for academic curricula and research. Qualified faculty and researchers submit proposals for work with applications in teaching, research or community building around Eclipse.

Lopes' research is related to languages and communication systems. The ultimate goal of her research is to deepen the knowledge about communication, in particular in systems that involve humans and machines.

Taylor's research is focused on design – the issues, techniques, and agents involved in creating and evolving software artifacts and processes. Specific emphases include software architecture and architecture-based software development environments.

Eclipse is an open universal platform for tool integration – an open extensible Integrated Development Environment (IDE), and an open source community.

The Eclipse community creates royalty-free technology as a universal platform for tools integration. Eclipse-based tools give developers freedom of choice in a multi-language, multi-platform, multi-vendor supported environment supported by multiple vendors.

The operating system platforms that Eclipse has been targeted to includes Windows, Linux, Solaris, HP-UX, AIX, and Mac OS. In addition, Eclipse provides a unique environment for members of the academic community to build new tools for teaching, research, and further growth of the Eclipse community.

Past Eclipse award recipients from the Bren School who were affiliated with Calit2 include David Redmiles (2005) and André van der Hoek (2004, 2005).

Media Contacts

Sherry Main, 949.824.1562, sherry@uci.edu.