
Esener, Sadik

Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Division: UCSD
Phone: 858-534-2732
Fax: 858-534-2486
Room: 3408
Mail code: 407
Research Layer: Networked Infrastructure

Bio: Dr. Esener received the Ph.D. degree in Applied Physics and Electrical Engineering from the UC San Diego in 1987. He joined the ECE faculty in 87, became an associate professor in 91, and full professor in 96. He is currently leading the Optoelectronic Computing Group, and directing the Opto-Electronic Stacked Processors industry/university consortium as well as the Fast Read-out Optical Storage consortium funded by DARPA. He received a certificate of recognition from NASA in March 1987 for his work on optically addressed RAM. Professor Esener has written four book chapters, published more than 80 research articles in refereed journals, presented numerous papers in scientific meetings, and he holds four patents. He is a member of IEEE, OSA, and SPIE. Dr. Esener is also a co-founder of three local companies and President of Call/Recall Inc.  

Research: Spatial light modulation, optical data storage, high-speed photodetection, optical free space interconnects and related computing architectures, and bio-optoelectronics as applied to gene chips.