Orcutt, JohnProfessor, Scripps Institution of Oceanography |
Bio: Professor John Orcutt is the Director of the Cecil H. and Ida M. Green Institute of Geophysics and Planetary Physics at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography in La Jolla. He has conducted research in marine seismology using autonomous seafloor instruments for more than 25 years and has designed and developed a number of autonomous seismometers and hydrophones. Recent programs have included the installation of a broadband seismograph (with Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution) in a borehole south of Hawaii and the development of a new instrument termed Low-Cost Hardware for Earth Applications and Physical Oceanography or L-CHEAPO for extended autonomous recording on the seafloor. He has published more than 115 scientific papers and is the Secretary of the Navy/Chief of Naval Operations Oceanography Chair. He received the Ewing Medal from the American Geophysical Union and the U.S. Navy and is currently the General Secretary of the American Geophysical Union. He co-Chairs the Global Working Group of the Deep Earth Observatories on the Seafloor (DEOS) program which is seeking to establish as many as fifty independent ocean observatories around the earth for making geophysical and oceanographic observations.