
Bitmead, Robert

Professor, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Division: UCSD
Phone: 858-822-3477
Fax: 858-822-3107
Research Layer: Transportation & Telematics

Bio: Robert Bitmead hails from Sydney, Newcastle, Townsville and Canberra Australia. His research interests encompass theoretical and applications sides of dynamical system modeling and control. In particular he has a long history of collaborative research with US and Australian industries concentrating on theories and techniques for modeling, signal processing and control. He joined Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering in 1999 after more than 16 years at the Department of Systems Engineering at The Australian National University in Canberra where, inter alia, he was for 8 years the Executive Director of the Cooperative Research Centre for Robust & Adaptive Systems, an incorporated joint venture between the university, government labs and industry.
