
Varghese, George

Professor, Computer Science and Engineering
Division: UCSD
Phone: 858-822-0424
Fax: 858-534-7029
Room: 3130
Mail code: 404
Research Layer: Interfaces & Software


George Varghese joined the UCSD faculty in August 1999, after six years teaching at Washington University in St. Louis. He is one of 15 ACM fellows in networking worldwide. Between 1983 and 1993, he was a researcher and Principal Engineer at DECNET, part of Digital Equipment, in Littleton, MA. While there, he worked on a precursor to the gigabit Ethernet, and helped write and design specifications for DEC's Bridge Architecture that was later adopted as an IEEE standard. He was one of only two computer scientists awarded ONR Young Investigator awards in 1996. In 2001, students voted him UCSD's Best Teacher in Computer Science. He received his Ph.D. in computer science at MIT in 1993.


Professor Varghese has a proven track record of inventions, many of which are being deployed today to speed up the Internet. An efficient IP lookup technique he designed, for example, is licensed by more than eight companies including Microsoft, which uses it in the latest versions of Windows. His scheduling algorithm called DRR is found in many infrastructure routers, including Cisco's GSR. Together with Tony Li, Varghese designed the forwarding engine for the Procket Router, which - running at 40 gigabits per second - was the world's fastest at the end of 2003. He also developed the 'timing wheel,' an algorithm incorporated into the Linux kernel and FreeBSD (among others) that prevents the operating system from checking too often for false-alarm events that are not happening. Varghese's current research is exploring Internet security and traffic measurement. In security, he is helping extend the focus beyond intrusion detection to intrusion prevention. In the area of traffic measurement, Varghese and his team have developed a novel 'sample and hold' method that is 1,000 times more accurate than traditional sampling. In both security and traffic measurement, he has moved beyond targeting individual data packets to the high-speed analysis of multi-packet patterns such as those seen in denial of service attacks. Varghese is well positioned to comment on pressing current topics related to monitoring of the Internet, computer and network architectures, and security. He has been interviewed extensively by both general and trade media.