
Masys, Daniel

Professor, UCSD School of Medicine
Division: UCSD
Phone: 858-455-5050
Fax: 858-455-9540
Location: 8950 VLJ Dr
Mail code: 602
Research Layer: Digitally Enabled Medicine


Dr. Daniel R. Masys is Director of Biomedical Informatics at the University of California , San Diego School of Medicine, Director of the UCSD Human Research Protections Program, and Adjunct Professor of Medicine. An honors graduate of Princeton University and the Ohio State University College of Medicine, he completed postgraduate training in Internal Medicine, Hematology and Medical Oncology at the University of California , San Diego , and the Naval Regional Medical Center , San Diego . He served as Chief of the International Cancer Research Data Bank of the National Cancer Institute, National Institutes of Health,   and from 1986 through 1994 was Director of the Lister Hill National Center for Biomedical Communications, which is the computer research and development division of the National Library of Medicine. He also served as the NIH representative to the federal High  Performance Computing, Communications, and Information Technology committee which advised the President's Office of Science and Technology Policy in the area of advanced computing and National Information Infrastructure.


Dr. Masys' research interests are in the area of Internet-accessible health information, Internet utilities for conducting clinical research, and the analytical informatics of gene expression profiling using microarray technologies.