
Subramaniam, Shankar

Professor, Bioengineering
Division: UCSD
Phone: 858-822-0986
Fax: 858-534-5722
Room: 433
Mail code: 412
Research Layer: Digitally Enabled Medicine

Bio: In addition his appointments at the Jacobs School Shankar Subramaniam is Professor of Chemistry and Biochemistry, and Biology. He is director of UCSD's Bioinformatics and Computational Biology graduate program, adjunct at the Salk Institute for Biological Studies. He is a fellow of the American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering and is recipient of Smithsonian Foundation and Association of Laboratory Automatics Awards. Subramaniam received a Ph.D. in Chemistry in 1982 from the Indian Institute of Technology.

Research: The cataloguing of most of the human genome and that of other species has opened up the new field of functional genomics, the study of how genes and their products work together on a genome-wide scale. The major mandate of genome sciences now is to identify all the coding protein sequences, understand their function, and perhaps their association with molecular diseases. Given the voluminous, dynamic, and complex nature of the underlying data, entirely new sets of tools and human resources are required. Professor Subramaniam is a leading developer of these bioinformatics tools and other high-throughput technologies. His Biology Workbench is a Web-based resource used by thousands of scientists to search protein sequence databases, and access modeling and analysis tools. Extensions are now being developed for several purposes, including proteomic analysis and gene-expression profiling. Subramaniam is director of Data Coordination and Bioinformatics Core Laboratories for the Alliance for Cellular Signaling, a major five-year initiative that aims at deciphering the mechanisms of cellular response to stimuli.