Dubnov, Shlomo

Associate Professor, Music
Division: UCSD
Phone: 858-534-5941
Email: sdubnov@ucsd.edu
Room: 250
Mail code: 99
Research Layer: New Media Arts


Schlomo Dubnov graduated from the Jerusalem Music Academy in composition and holds a Ph.D. in Computer-Science from the Hebrew University, Jerusalem. In both institutes he served as a lecturer on computer music. The results of Dubnov's academic research are regularly published in musical and technical books and journals. In 1996 he received the Distinguished Paper Award from the International Computer Music Association (ICMA) for his work on Polyspectral Analysis of Musical Timbre. In 1996-1998, he worked as an invited researcher in IRCAM - Centre Pompidou (Paris). Since 1998, Dubnov headed the Multimedia track in Communication Engineering Department of Ben-Gurion University, Israel, where he conducted numerous researches on advanced audio processing and retrieval methods, computer music and other multimedia applications. In September 2003 he joins the UCSD Department of Music faculty to meet the needs of the expanding Computer Music and Interdisciplinary Computing in the Arts programs.