
Negyesy, Janos

Professor, Music
Division: UCSD
Phone: 858-534-3356
Email: jnegyesy@ucsd.edu
Fax: 858-534-8502
Room: 342
Mail code: 99
Research Layer: New Media Arts

Bio: Born in Budapest, Hungary and studied at the Franz Liszt Academy of Music and later at Detmold in Germany. He left Hungary in 1965 and from 1970-74 was concertmaster of the Berlin Radio Orchestra. He lived and worked in Paris, Vienna and New York before joining the UCSD faculty in 1979.

Long an advocate of new music, Professor Négyesy has appeared at major festivals throughout the world and premiered hundreds of new works written specially for him. He also gives master classes worldwide.

In addition to performing, recording and teaching he has written a definitive study of contemporary violin techniques.

Recently he has been receiving acclaim for his expertise as master of the Mathews' electronic violin. In addition to his interest in new music, he is an exponent of the standard violin repertoire, as well.


Music technology, acoustics, computer music, and digital audio signal processing