
Bohn, Roger

Associate Professor, International Relations and Pacific Studies
Division: UCSD
Phone: 858-534-7630
Fax: 858-534-3939
Research Layer: Policy & Society

Bio: Professor Bohn is a specialist in technology and operations management. His primary research is on the management of engineering and other knowledge-based activities in technology-driven companies. Bohn recently became director of a new center to study the information storage industry. Now at work on a book examining high-tech manufacturing, from art to science, he has published numerous articles in management and engineering journals and is co-author of the book, Spot Pricing of Electricity . In 1998, Bohn was elected to a two-year term on the Market Monitoring Committee, a component of California's leading-edge deregulation of its electric power industry. Prior to joining IR/PS in 1991, Bohn taught at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Oxford University, and the University of Melbourne.


Management of engineering and other knowledge-based activities in technology-driven companies.