
Klimenko, Mikhail

Assistant Professor, Economics
Division: UCSD
Phone: 858-534-5014
Email: mklimenko@ucsd.edu
Fax: 858-534-3939
Research Layer: Policy & Society


Professor Klimenko is an expert in international trade, high technology, the telecommunications industry, and the economics of transition in Eastern Europe and Russia. His current research interests include international trade theory and policy, the role of multilateral trade and financial institutions in supporting international trade agreements, trade cooperation and economic integration, economics of networks, regulation and economic policy in the telecommunications industry, and theoretical and policy issues in liberalization of trade in telecommunication services. Klimenko is the author of the following works: 'Trade Interdependence, the International Financial Institutions, and the Recent Evolution of Sovereign-Debt Renegotiations,' Journal of International Economics, 58, (2002): 177-209; 'Industrial Targeting, Experimentation and Long-Run Specialization,' The Journal of Development Economics, forthcoming; 'Implementing Telecommunications Liberalization in Developing Countries after the WTO Agreement on Basic Telecommunications Services' in Robert M. Stern, ed., Services in the International Economy, Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 2001, pp. 349-369 (with Peter Cowhey); and 'Telecommunications Reform in Developing Countries after the WTO agreement on Basic Telecommunications Services,' Journal of International Development, 12 (2000): 265-281 (with Peter Cowhey). Klimenko joined IR/PS in 1996.


International trade theory and policy, the role of multilateral trade and financial institutions in supporting international trade agreements, trade cooperation and economic integration, economics of networks, regulation and economic policy in the telecommunications industry, and theoretical and policy issues in liberalization of trade in telecommunication services.