Mehan, Hugh

Professor, Sociology
Division: UCSD
Phone: 858-822-2271
Fax: 858-822-1839
Room: 164
Mail code: 36
Research Layer: Education


Hugh Mehan is Professor of Sociology and Director of The Center for Research on Educational Equity, Access, and Teaching Excellence (CREATE) at UCSD, appointments that link his commitments to research and practice. CREATE coordinates efforts at UCSD to improve the academic preparation of under represented students in the community through partnerships with K-12 schools and districts and the Preuss School, UCSD’s on-campus model charter school.

Since receiving his PhD in Sociology from UC Santa Barbara in 1971, he has studied classroom organization, educational testing, tracking and untracking, computer use in schools and the construction of identities such as the “competent student,” the “learning disabled student,” the “mentally ill patient” and the “genius.” He has worked closely with K-12 educators so that they can make informed decisions to insure that excellent educational opportunities are available to all children.


Discourse Processes, Sociology of Education, Educational Inequalities