Souviney, Randall

Directordirector, Education Studies
Division: UCSD
Phone: 858-534-1682
Fax: 858-534-2462
Room: 351
Location: Pepper Canyon Hall
Mail code: 70
Research Layer: Education

Bio: Souviney is leading a group of TEP faculty in the development and implemprocess, and enable faculty to approve lesson implementation in the K-12 classroom.entation of two relevant software projects: ePortfolio and WebPlan. ePortfolio is a Web-accessible database that allows graduate students to upload artifacts that document their teaching (student work, lesson plans, classroom images, video clips of teaching), reflect on their teaching practice, and conduct private dialogs with education faculty on their classroom performance. WebPlan is a separate online utility that allows undergraduates and graduate education students to construct lesson plans, conduct discussions with education faculty throughout the design.


Mathematics and Science Education, Teacher Education, and Network Applications for Teaching and Learning.