Tsudik, Gene

Associate Professor, Computer Science Department-- Systems Division
Division: UCI
Phone: 949-824-3410
Email: gtsudik@uci.edu
Fax: 949-824-4056
Research Layer: Networked Infrastructure

Bio: An active researcher since 1987, Dr. Tsudik has authored more than 70 journal and conference papers in security and cryptography. He also holds seven US patents. Dr. Tsudik is currently leading several research efforts that will result in increased privacy for the Internet and consumers, in general. One of his projects is developing novel techniques for secure tele- and video-conferencing over the Internet. He also is involved in a major research effort to provide privacy for outsourced databases and other sensitive information.

Research: Dr. Tsudik's research interests are mainly in applied cryptography. Much of his recent work is in secure group communication, in particular, group key agreement, group signatures and group access control. He also is interested in public key cryptography, especially, group signatures and mediated cryptographic services. His other research interests include secure e-commerce protocols and mobile ad hoc networks. Tsudik joined ICS in January 2000