
Ford, Joseph

Associate Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Division: UCSD
Phone: 858-534-7891
Fax: 858-534-1225
Room: 3405
Mail code: 407
Research Layer: Networked Infrastructure


Joseph Ford received a B.Sc. degree in physics from UC Los Angeles in 1983, and Masters degrees in laser physics at the University of British Columbia and in optical engineering at Rochester's Institute of Optics. In January 1992 he received his Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering/applied physics from UC San Diego for studies in parallel optical interconnects using phase and wavelength multiplexed photorefractive crystals. Dr. Ford became an Assistant Research Scientist at UCSD working on polarization- and wavelength-selective computer-generated holograms, then joined data storage startup Call/Recall where he demonstrated image storage in a doped-polymer cube using two-wavelength two-photon recording.

  • Resonant nano-scale optics (micro-opto-mechanical and switched photonic bandgap devices) using electro-optic, electromagnetic and/or electrostatic actuation.
  • Hybrid integration and optomechanical packaging of free-space and waveguide optical devices with electronic control circuitry.
  • Optical networks with local monitoring and autonomous control, such as wavelength-multiplexed transmission with adaptive amplitude and passband shaping.
  • More generally, applications of physical optics to data storage, optoelectronic computing and telecommunications.