Lopes, Cristina

Assistant Professor, Informatics
Division: UCI
Phone: 949-824-1525
Email: lopes@uci.edu

Bio: I have B.S. and M.S. degrees in Electrical and Computer Engineering from Instituto Superior T?cnico, in Lisbon, and a Ph.D. in Computer Science from Northeastern University, in Boston. I also studied piano and voice, and have sung in choirs such as the San Francisco Symphony Chorus (1999-2002) and the Gulbenkian Choir (1989-1992). I received a National Science Foundation's CAREER Award, 2004-2009. I'm Erdos number 3 (Erdos -> Specker -> Lieberherr -> me).

Research: The research I do is always related, one way or another, to languages and communication systems. I work in software design, programming languages, device-to-device communications and application-specific networking.