Matthew, Richard

Director, Center for Unconventional Security Affairs
associate professor, other
, Planning, Policy & Design
Division: UCI
Phone: 949-824-9670

Bio: Richard A. Matthew is Associate Professor of International and Environmental Politics in the Schools of Social Ecology and Social Science at the University of California at Irvine, and Director of both the Center for Unconventional Security Affairs ( and the associated Global Environmental Change and Human Security Research Office ( at UCI. He is a Faculty Associate of the Global Peace and Conflict Studies Center and the Center for the Study of Democracy. He received his PhD from Princeton University, and has taught at Georgetown University and Williams College. He has worked closely with the International Union for the Conservation of Nature and the International Institute for Sustainable Development, government departments and agencies including Defense and State, intergovernmental organizations including the United Nations, the OECD and NATO, and the private sector. His research focuses on understanding and responding to transnational security threats including global environmental change, terrorism, infectious disease and landmines. Much of this work has explored possibilities for reducing threat and vulnerability through education, conservation and poverty allevation. He has undertaken field work throughout South Asia and other parts of the developing world, including Pakistan, Cambodia and South Africa. Matthew's articles have appeared in a range of journals including Alternatives, Global Environmental Politics, Peace Review, and Security Dialogue. Recent and forthcoming books include Contested Grounds: Security and Conflict in the New Environmental Politics (SUNY, 1999); Dichotomy of Power: Nation versus State in World Politics (Rowman and Littlefield, 2002); Conserving the Peace: Resources, Livelihoods, and Security (IISD, 2002); Landmines and Human Security(SUNY, 2004); Reframing the Agenda (Praeger, 2004); and Environmental Insecurities (MIT, forthcoming).