Dominguez, Ricardo

Assistant Professor, Visual Arts
Division: UCSD
Phone: 858-534-6107
Fax: 858-534-7976
Room: 2129
Mail code: 84
Research Layer: New Media Arts

Bio: Ricardo Dominguez is a co-founder of Electronic Disturbance Theater,, with Carmin Karasic, Brett Stalbaum and Stefan Wray, co-Director of the THING ( an ISP for artist and activist, a former member of Critical Art Ensemble ( and has been a member of the New York Zapatistas since January 1, 1994. His performances have been presented in museums, galleries, theater festivals, hacker meetings, tactical media events and as direct actions on the streets and around the world. Ricardo recently appeared in Coco Fusco new video art work A/K/A and in Peggy Ahwesh's new film The Star Eaters. His recent collaboration with Diane Ludin ( was presented at ISEA 2004. He has also worked with, Jennifer and Kevin Mccoy, Jordan Crandall ( and Rev. Billy ( and many other trouble making artists.