
Goguen, Joseph

Professor, Computer Science and Engineering
director, other
, Meaning and Computation Lab
Division: UCSD
Phone: 858-534-4197
Email: goguen@cs.ucsd.edu
Fax: 858-534-7029
Room: 3234
Mail code: 404
Research Layer: Interfaces & Software

Bio: Goguen runs CSE's Meaning and Computation Lab. He came to UCSD in 1996, and served for three years as Director of the Program in Advanced Manufacturing. Prior to that he was a Professor at Oxford University, Director of its Centre for Requirements and Foundations, and a Fellow of St. Anne's College. Before that, he was a Senior Staff Scientist at SRI International, and a Senior Member of Stanford University's Center for the Study of Language and Information. He received his PhD from UC Berkeley in 1968, for pioneering work on fuzzy logic.

Research: A major achievement of Professor Goguen's was the OBJ language, which influenced the module systems of ML, Ada, C++, and other programming languages. Goguen also provided an algebraic semantics for abstract data types. Hidden algebra extends this research to distributed systems and provides more powerful proof methods. Goguen has recently applied these ideas, along with ideas from social and cognitive science, to human-computer interface design, opening a new area called algebraic semiotics, with applications to the design of user interfaces for computer theorem proving systems, interactive websites, and more. Other new research concerns: theories of metaphor and narrative, with applications to computer generated literature and next generation video games; semantics of database schemas and ontologies, with applications to data integration and the semantic web; and music theory, especially free jazz improvisation, which currently lacks adequate theory. In addition to his perspective on the history of computing, Goguen, who is Chief Editor of the Journal of Consciousness Studies, is an excellent source for ethical, philosophical, and social issues raised by the rapid advance of science and technology in general and computer science in particular.