Kenneally, Erin

otherDivision: UCSD
Phone: 858-822-0991
Room: 4601
Mail code: 440

Bio: Erin Kenneally is a licensed Attorney who advises, researches, publishes, and speaks on prevailing and forthcoming issues at the crossroads of information technology law. These include strategic, evidentiary, and policy implications related to IT legal risk, information forensics, cyber law enforcement, privacy technology, information security ethics, and trusted information exchange. She has lectured and helped coordinate training conferences for officers of the court, law enforcement, and industry professionals concerned with digital evidence and information forensics. Ms. Kenneally is the Founder and CEO of Elchemy, Inc., a corporation that conducts policy-driven applied research and development solutions at the intersection of information and communications technology and the law. She is also a Tech Law Specialist at the University of California San Diego and the Cooperative Association of Internet Data Analysis. She provides thought leadership for the U.S. Dept. of Justice Global Information Sharing Advisory Group and various other private and government advisory committees and working groups engaged in information technology law issues. Ms. Kenneally holds Juris Doctorate and Master of Forensic Sciences degrees.