Papakonstantinou, YannisAssociate Professor, Computer Science and Engineering |
Bio: Yannis Papakonstantinou joined the Jacobs School faculty in 1996 and got his Ph.D. in Computer Science from Stanford University in 1997. He has published over 45 research articles in scientific journals and at conferences, and served on journal editorial boards and program committees for numerous international conferences and symposiums. He was the co-chair of WebDB 2002, is the general chair of ACM SIGMOD 2003, and the Vice Program Chair of IEEE ICDE 2004, in charge of the 'Metadata, Semistructured Data and XML' track. In 1998, Yannis received an NSF CAREER award for his work on integrating heterogeneous data. In 2000 Yannis founded Enosys Software, Inc., which provides software for XML-based querying and integration of distributed information sources. Since 2001, he is Chief Scientist of Enosys (consulting role). Yannis holds a Diploma of Electrical Engineering from the National Technical University of Athens.