
Wienhausen, Gabriele

Professor, Biological Sciences
otherDivision: UCSD
Phone: 858-822-5951
Fax: 858-822-5999
Room: 6213
Mail code: 376
Research Layer: Education

Bio: A member of the UCSD Department of Biology, Wienhausen is vice chair for education in Biology and director of UCSD's Howard Hughes Medical Institute Undergraduate Biological Sciences Education Program. She is the current chair of the Academic Senate Committee on Educational Policy and is also a member of the Thurgood Marshall College curriculum committee and faculty advisory board.

Wienhausen began her academic career in 1978 as an assistant professor at Westfaelische Wilhelms-Universitaet, Muenster, Germany. She came to UCSD in 1981 to pursue biochemical research in metabolic adaptations to environmental stress. During her 18 years at UCSD, Wienhausen has received six teaching awards, including the 2000 Chancellor's Associates Outstanding Teaching Award; a 1995 Academic Senate Distinguished Teaching Award; a 1994 Revelle College Outstanding Faculty Award; and three Warren College Excellence in Teaching Awards (1994, 1996, 1998).

Since 1993, Wienhausen has served as co-director of the Doctoral Program in Mathematics and Science Education. She also is co-director of the Multi Media Interactive Learning Lab, which she helped establish by securing extramural funding and by developing CD-ROM-based and Web-based instruction materials.
