Sailor, Michael

Professor, Chemistry and Biochemistry
Division: UCSD
Phone: 858-534-8188
Fax: 858-534-5383
Room: 4225B
Mail code: 358
Research Layer: Materials & Devices

Bio: Born in 1961, Michael J. Sailor received his B.S. in chemistry from Harvey Mudd College in 1983 and his Ph.D. in chemistry from Northwestern University in 1988. His thesis work involved the synthesis of organometallic metal clusters, in the laboratory of Professor Duward Shriver. He then performed postdoctoral research on semiconductor photoelectrochemistry under the direction of Professor Nathan S. Lewis at Stanford and Caltech. He began his faculty appointment in the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry at the University of California at San Diego in 1990, becoming Associate Professor in 1994 and Full Professor in 1996.  

Research: Professor Sailor’s research focuses on the chemistry, electrochemistry, and photophysics of nanophase semiconductors, with emphasis on photonic crystals, quantum dots and wires, and biocompatible materials. Studies of these materials emphasize applications in sensing of environmental toxins, biosensors, sensors for medical diagnostics, controlled release of drugs, and high-throughput screening.

Professor Sailor is a member of the Executive Steering Committee of the UCSD Materials Science Division, and he is on the editorial boards of Advanced Materials and Inorganic Chemistry Communications. He is the author of 14 patents and over 90 research publications in subjects related to nanomaterials, sensors, and electrochemistry. He has supervised over 100 graduate, undergraduate, and post-doctoral students.