
Kummel, Andrew

Professor, Chemistry and Biochemistry
Division: UCSD
Phone: 858-534-3368
Email: akummel@ucsd.edu
Fax: 858-534-2063
Mail code: 358
Research Layer: Materials & Devices

Bio: B.S. Yale University, 1981; M.S. Stanford University, 1984; Ph.D. Stanford University, 1988; Postdoctoral position, Cornell University, 1988; Appointed to faculty, 1988; Assistant Prof. (1988-1994); Associate Prof.(1994-1996); Professor(1996-present); David and Lucille Packard Fellow (1990), Yale University Science and Engineering Alumni Award for The Advancement of Basic and Applied Science (1992), Editorial Advisory Board, Langmuir (1996); Faculty Award- UCSD Office for Students with Disabilities (1997); Faculty Senate Teaching Award in the Sciences (2003).
