Weibel, Nadir

other, Research Assistant Professor, CSE
other, Faculty Affiliate, The Design Lab
Division: UCSD and UCI
Phone: 858-534-8637
Email: weibel@ucsd.edu

Bio: Nadir Weibel is a Research Assistant Professor (Research Scientist and Lecturer) in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at UC San Diego, and a Research Health Science Specialist at the VA San Diego Health System. He is also an affiliated faculty member of The Design Lab. Weibel is originally from the southern and Italian part of Switzerland (Ticino), and holds a master's degree in Computer Science and Engineering from ETH Zurich, where Weibel also completed his Ph.D. in 2009. He joined the University of CaliforniaUC San Diego in October 2009 as a Postdoctoral Researcher in the Distributed Cognition and Human Computer Interaction Lab, then in 2012 Prof. Weibel joined the faculty of Computer Science and Engineering at UCSD, when he also joined the VA San Diego. He is currently Co-Investigator on several funded research projects from the National Institute of Health (NIH), National Science Foundation (NSF), Center for AIDS Research (CFAR), and Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ).

Research: Nadir Weibel's work on human-centered computing is situated at the intersection of computer science, cognitive science and the health sciences. He is a computer scientist who investigates tools, techniques and infrastructure supporting the deployment of innovative, interactive, multimodal and tangible devices in context, and an ethnographer using novel methods for studying and quantifying the cognitive consequences of the introduction of this technology in the everyday life. His main interests range from software engineering to human-computer interaction, particularly focusing on mobile health, computer-supported cooperative work, medical informatics, mobile and ubiquitous computing. Prof. Weibel's current work includes developing theory and methods, designing and implementing prototypes, and evaluating the effectiveness of interactive multimodal physical-digital systems such as pen-based and touch-based devices, depth-cameras (e.g. Kinect), wearable and ubiquitous computing (e.g., Google Glass), as well as mobile devices, to introduce them as a support for critical settings such as health care.