Welchman, John

Professor, Visual Arts
Division: UCSD
Phone: 858-534-6957
Email: jwelchman@ucsd.edu
Fax: 858-534-7976
Research Layer: New Media Arts

Bio: John Welchman combines the roles of modernist art historian and contemporary critic with work in visual-cultural studies. His most recent publications are the 'Survey' for Mike Kelley in the Phaidon Contemporary Artists series (1999); Art After Appropriation: Essays on Art in the 1990s (Amsterdam/London: G + B Arts International/Routledge, 2001), one of the first critical studies of the art of the 1990s, and, as editor, the collected writings of Mike Kelley (vol. I Foul Perfection, MIT Pres, 2003; vol. II Minor Histories, MIT Press, 2004; vol. III Sonic Cultures, les presses du reél, 2005).

Welchman earned his BA (1981) and MA from Cambridge University, and his PhD from the Courtauld Institute of Art (1991). His dissertation Word, Image and Modernism investigated the various orders of relation between visual and textual practices in the modern period. His work on the relations between visual and textual discourse is published in The Dada and Surrealist Word-Image, (Los Angeles County Museum of Art/MIT Press, 1989); and in two books, Modernism Relocated: Towards a Cultural Studies of Visual Modernity (Allen & Unwin, 1995), and Invisible Colours: A Visual History of Titles (Yale University Press, 1997). He has edited a collection of interdisciplinary critical essays addressing various conditions of border culture, Rethinking Borders (University of Minnesota Press, 1996), and is also working on a collection of writings on visual cultures by French theorist Gilles Deleuze.
