
Girado, Javier

Division: UCSD
Phone: 708-386-4566

Job Description:

Dr. Javier Girado joined the Qualcomm Institute in January 2016, where he now works in the institute’s newly-created Pattern Recognition Laboratory. It is not his first time working in Atkinson Hall: from 2006 to 2008, he was a Postdoctoral Researcher in the Visualization group of the UC San Diego division of the California Institute for Telecommunications and Information Technology (Calit2), the division now known as the Qualcomm Institute. While working in Calit2’s Visualization group, Girado developed advanced, super-high-resolution autostereoscopic virtual reality (VR) devices. He also integrated real-time 3D head-position tracker systems with multiple cameras (using face detection and recognition neural networks) and the VarrierTM autostereo displays for commercial applications.

Between his employment at UC San Diego, Girado worked for over seven years at Qualcomm, Inc., in the San Diego area. From 2008 to 2015, the Staff Graphics Engineer worked extensively on GPU architecture as well as GPU Graphics and Compute for improved image processing. Girado is named on three pending patents at the company.

Prior to his first stint at UC San Diego, Girado was a Postdoctoral Researcher in the Electronic Visualization Laboratory (EVL) of the University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC). He worked primarily on the implementation of algorithms using Graphics Processor Units (GPUs), including for computer vision, wavelet transform, and face detection/recognition with neural networking.

Girado enrolled in 1996 at UIC, where he was a research assistant at EVL and completed his Ph.D. in Computer Science in 2003. Earlier, he earned his Master’s degree in Electronics from the Instituto Tecnológico de Buenos Aires (Argentina) in 1983.

Before going to graduate school in Chicago, Girado held a succession of technology-related positions at companies in Buenos Aires: Network and Systems Administrator for Atanor SA, System Designer and Programmer at Akapol SA, System Designer and Programmer at Hasar SA, and System Designer, Programmer or Software Trainer at several U.S. companies’ Argentine subsidiaries, including IBM, Merck & Co., Raychem Corporation, and Keytech SA, a partner of Compression Labs, Inc.

In addition to his many years of experience in software design, development and programming (including C, C++ and Assembly languages), Girado also has roughly ten years of research on face detection and recognition using neural networks and computer-vision techniques.

For more information about Javier Girado, visit his LinkedIn profile.