Leaders Headline


The directors work closely to promote an integrated research and communications approach across the institute, building on UCSD's and UCI's complementary disciplinary strengths, technical professionals, and industry and community partners. The directors include Calit2 director Larry Smarr; UCSD division director Ramesh Rao; UCI division director G.P. Li ; Calit2 chief scientist Ronald Graham.

Divisional Councils:

The two division directors of Calit2 each have appointed a divisional council. This council, which consists of faculty members drawn from all campus units that Calit2 touches, advises the director in various capacities and is delegated various responsibilities. Members of these councils serve as chairs of subcommittees that provide recommendations to the directors on such topics as space allocation, visitors' program, seminars, and so forth. UCSD New Research Initiatives Committee

Governing Board:

This board, which consists of vice chancellors and deans of units important to Calit2 at both UCSD and UCI, monitors institute progress and provides guidance on near-term, operational issues. This board also has an eight-member Executive Committee, which meets several times per year. The full board meets typically once per year.

Advisory Board:

This board, which consists of distinguished members of academia, industry, government, and public policy with expertise relevant to Calit2's mission, guides institute strategic thinking, planning, and communications. This group typically meets once per year.