Computational Systems Bioinformatics 2007 Talks Archived for On-Demand Viewing over the Web

By Alex Matthews

San Diego, CA, August 28, 2007 -- The first six conferences on Computational Systems Bioinformatics (CSB) were held at Stanford. Then the conference series joined forces with the not-for-profit Life Sciences Society, and CSB2007 moved to UC San Diego and Calit2, which is devoting increasing attention at the interface of computer science and the life sciences, led by scientists including John Wooley, who chaired CSB2007 and the recent Metagenomics 2007 conference (also held in Atkinson Hall).

More than three dozen CSB2007 presentations were webcast live over the Internet, and they have now been archived for on-demand viewing [Real player and broadband connection required]. To watch a talk, click on the image or video link below.

Dirk Husmeir
Dirk Husmeier
Bayesian Integration of Biological Prior Knowledge into the Reconstruction of Gene Networks with Bayesian Network
Length: 23:59 [video]
Nian Chua
Hon Nian Chua
Using Indirect Protein-Protein Interactions for Protein Complex Prediction
Length: 23:40 [video]
MH Siu
M.H. Siu
Finding Linear Motif Pair from Protein Interaction Networks: A Probabilistic Approach
Length: 22:11 [video]
AJ Marian Walhout
Gene-Centered Protein-DNA Interactome Mapping
Length: 31:56 [video]
Clustering of Main Orthologs
Zheng Fu, Tao Jiang (Authors)
Clustering of Main Orthologs for Multiple Genomes
Length: 23:59 [video]
Stefano Lonardi
Stefano Lonardi
Deconvoluting the Bac-gene Relationships Using a Physical Map
Length: 18:04 [video]
Erliang Zeng
Erliang Zeng
IEM: An Algorithm for Iterative Enhancement of Motifs Using Comparative Genomics Data
Length: 22:37 [video]
Terry Hwa
Terry Hwa
Quantitative Aspects of Gene Regulation in Bacteria: Amplification, Threshold, and Combinatorial Control
Part 1 - Length: 36:03 [video]
Part 2 - Length: 21:24 [video]
Christina Leslie
Christina Leslie
Learning Predictive Models of Gene Regulation
Length: 31:42 [video]
Xin Gao
Xin Gao
MANGO: A New Approach to Multiple Sequence Alignment
Length: 17:13 [video]
Xin Chen
Xin Chen
Learning Position Weight Matrices from Sequence and Expression Data
Length: 22:15 [video]
Sven Rahmann
Sven Rahmann
Exact and Heuristic Algorithms for Weighted Cluster Editing
Length: 27:10 [video]
Nikil Wale
Nikil Wale
Methods for Effective Virtual Screening and Scaffold-Hopping in Chemical Compounds
Length: 26:46 [video]

Xiaoyu Zhang
Xiaoyu Zhang
Extraction, Visualization and Quantification of Protein Pockets
Length: 24:18 [video]
Zeyar Aung
Zeyar Aung
Uncovering the Structural Basis of Protein Interactions with Efficient Clustering of 3-D Interaction Interfaces
Length: 23:53 [video]
Xin Gao
Xin Gao
Consensus Contact Prediction by Linear Programming
Length: 26:46 [video]
Sergio Anibal de Carvalho
Sergio Anibal de Carvalho Junior
Improving the Design of GeneChip Arrays by Combining Placement and Embedding
Length: 21:33 [video]
Ying Liu
Ying Liu
Modeling Species-Genes Data for Efficient Phylogenetic Inference
Length: 25:08 [video]
Benjamin Vernot
Benjamin Vernot
Reconciliation with Non-Binary Species Trees
Length: 21:16 [video
Kimmen Sjolander
Kimmen Sjölander
The Phylofacts Phylogenomic Encyclopedia: Structural Phylogenomic Analysis Across the Tree of Life
Length: 34:36 [video
Mike Levine
Mike Levine
Whole-Genome Analysis of Dorsal Gradient Thresholds in the Drosophila Embryo
Length: 1:02:33 [video
Kyle Ellrott
Kyle Ellrott
Improvement in Protein Sequence-Structure Alignment Using Insertion/Deletion Frequency Arrays
Length: 12:54 [video]  
Fan Meng
Fan Meng
An Active Visual Search Interface for Medline
Length: 24:54 [video
William Lau
William Lau
Rule-Based Human Gene Normalization in Biomedical Text with Confidence Estimation
Length: 23:27 [video]
CBioC speaker picture
Chitta Baral, Graciela Gonzalez, Anthony Gitter, Craig Teegarden, Amanda Zeigler, G. Joshi-Topé (Authors)
CBioC: Beyond a Prototype for Collaborative Annotation of Molecular Interactions from the Literature
Length: 17:50 [video]
Arvind Rao
Arvind Rao
Using Directed Information to Build Biologically Relevant Influence Networks
Length: 26:39 [video]
Shannon Williamson
Shannon Williamson
Extreme Metagenomics: Investigations of Virus-Host Interactions in Deep-Sea Environments
Length: 32:20 [video]

AUGUST 16, 2007
Kang Ning
Kang Ning
Algorithm for Peptide Sequencing by Tandem Mass Spectrometry Based on Better Preprocess and Anti-symmetric Computational Model
Length: 19:14 [video]
Wei Zheng
Wei Zheng
Algorithms for Selecting Breakpoint Locations to Optimize Diversity in Protein Engineering by Site-directed Protein Recombination
Length: 18:22 [video]
Kavitha Venkatesan
Kavitha Venkatesan
Mapping and Analysis of the Human Interactome Network
Length: 38:25 [video]
Xiaoxu Han
Xiaoxu Han
Cancer Molecular Pattern Discovery by Subspace Consensus Kernel Classification
Length: 29:52 [video]
Lan Liu
Lan Liu
Efficient Algorithms for Genome-wide TagSNP Selection across Populations via the Linkage Disequilibrium Criterion
Length: 22:17 [video]
Adam Godzik
Adam Godzik
Bioinformatics Challenges of High Throughput Biology
Length: 32:08 [video]
Chris Somerville
Chris Somerville
Scientific Issues Associated with the Development of Biofuels
Length: 47:18 [video]
Pavel Pevzner
Pavel Pevzner
De Novo Shotgun Protein Sequencing via Spectral Networks Analysis
Length: 37:03 [video]
John Dehlin
John Dehlin

The OpenCourseWare Movement and Cross-Institutional Development of Open Course Materials
Length: 13:06 [video]
Phillip Bourne
Philip Bourne, Co-Director, Protein Data Bank, UCSD
Length: 19:08 [video]
CSB 2007 Panel
Panel Discussion
Length: 41:04 [video]
Xiao Li-Li
Xiao-Li Li
Discovering Protein Complexes in Dense Reliable Neighborhoods of Protein Interaction Networks
Length: 28:07 [video]
Seungchan Kim
Seungchan Kim
Mining Molecular Contexts of Cancer via In Silico Conditioning
Length: 22:24 [video]
John Wooley
John Wooley, Chair
Length: 7:07 [video]

San Diego has the largest cluster of life-science research centers with 26 institutions located in an area less than ten square miles. Top centers include UC San Diego as well as institutes such as Salk, Neurosciences, Scripps Research and Burnham Medical, and they are complemented by one of the largest clusters of private life-science companies in the world.

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