Game Culture and Technology Lab [GameLab]

Game Culture and Technology Lab

PIs: Robert Nideffer

Related People: Celia Pearce, Stuart Ross, Gloria Brown-Simmons, Tom Boellstorff, Paul Dourish, Dan Frost, Tara Hutchinson, Falko Kuester, Joerg Meyer, Bill Tomlinson, Andre van der Hoek, Charles Zender, Walt Scaachi

Other Institutions: Banff New Media Institut, Creative Interactive Visualization Lab, Digital Industry Promotion, Discovery Science Cente, Earth System Science Modeling Facility, Visualization and Interactive Systems Group, Visualization Services, Experimental Game Lab

Sponsors:, Digital Industry Promotion (DIP), Microsoft Research, Game Technologies Group

[web site]

The mission of the Game Culture & Technology Lab is to expand the notion of how game metaphors, design principles, and technologies can be utilized for alternative content and context delivery. Our focus is on the next generation Internet. Our approach combines theory and practice, science and art, education and entertainment, to create an environment that supports diverse forms of expression in a wide range of applications.