Laboratory for the Ocean Observatory Knowledge INtegration Grid [LOOKING]

Laboratory for the Ocean Observatory Knowledge INtegration Grid

PIs: Larry Smarr

Co-PIs: John Orcutt, Larry Smarr

Related People: Mark Arrott, Alan Chave, Ronald Johnson

Other Institutions: Oregon State Univ. – College of Oceanic & Atmosphere Science, Woods Hole – Oceanographic Inst., Univ. of Washington – Computing & Communications, Univ. of Washington – School of Oceanography, UCSD-SIO, Univ. of Washington – School of Oceanography

Funding: NSF

[web site]

The Laboratory for the Ocean Observatory Knowledge INtegration Grid (LOOKING) is primarily a research effort into the identification, synthesis, and assemblage of existing and emerging concepts and technologies into a coherent viable cyberinfrastructure design. The goal of this effort is to federate ocean observatories into an integrated knowledge grid.  From a scientific perspective, LOOKING is developing a viable design for the cyberinfrastructure of a coherent and durable research network that supports dynamic harnessing of resources ranging from physical assets (e.g., instruments, network segments, power, compute/storage/visualization grids), through retrospective informatics and analytic services, to coupling of real-time sensing networks with predictive modeling services. The design is to address scalability, extensibility, and reconfiguration. Fulfilling these requirements will enable LOOKING to achieve the ultimate vision of a fully autonomous sensor network capable of evolving and adapting to changes in the user requirements, available technologies/software/middleware, or environmental changes during the life cycle of the ocean observatory paradigm.