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Larry Smarr

September 25, 2002
OptIPuter Video I
Calit2 director Larry Smarr talks about the paradigm shift to a bandwidth-dominated (rather than processor-centric) computing world.
Speaker: Larry Smarr, Director, Calit2
[news release]
[video]Length: 2:28

Larry Smarr

September 25, 2002
OptIPuter Video II
Calit2's Smarr talks about how the OptIPuter will help scientists collaborate on data-intensive applications including earth sciences and bioscience.
Speaker: Larry Smarr, Director, Calit2
[news release]
[video]Length: 2:34

Barbara Bry interviews La

September 13, 2002
UCSD-TV and SD Telecom Council Team on New Program about Telecommunications
Telecom Today anchor Barbara Bry interviews Larry Smarr about Calit2 research on "last mile" and other telecom issues.
[web article]
[video]Length: 6:25

Mohan Trivedi

September 4, 2002
UCSD Computer Vision Group Led by Calit2's Mohan Trivedi Awarded Three Federal Grants for Homeland Security-Related Research
Mohan Trivedi talks about using computer vision for face detection, video surveillance and remote tele-viewing.
Speaker: Mohan Trivedi
[web article]
[video]Length: 4:58


August 30, 2002
Finding Composite Regulatory Patterns in DNA Sequences
Speaker: Eleazar Eskin, Ph.D.
[event info]

J. K. Aggarwal

August 6, 2002
Content Based Image Retrieval Via Structure, Color, and Texture
Speaker: J. K. Aggarwal, Professor and Director of the Computer and Vision Research Center, University of Texas at Austin
[event info]

Manfred Broy

June 7, 2002
Overview of Systematic Software Engineering for Embedded Systems
Speaker: Manfred Broy, Institut fuer Informatik
[event info]
[webcast archive]

Manfred Broy

June 7, 2002
Overview of Systematic Software
Speaker: Manfred Broy, Professor, Department of Informatics, Technical University of Munich, Germany
[event info]
[webcast archive]

Eytan Modiano

May 22, 2002
Mechanisms for Providing Optical Bypass in WDM-based Networks
Speaker: Eytan Modiano, Professor in the Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics, MIT
[event info]
[webcast archive]

Nicolas Sendrier

May 21, 2002
A Practical Digital Signature Scheme Based on Coding Theory
Speaker: Nicolas Sendrier, INRIA, Paris
[event info]
[webcast archive]

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