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Forum on Sustainable Deve

December 11, 2003
UCSD Forum on Sustainable Development
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December 9, 2003
Charting the Future of the Telecom Industry
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December 4, 2003
Regents' Lectures
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Dr. Bernard S. Meyerson

December 3, 2003
Regents' Lectures
Speaker: Dr. Bernard S. Meyerson, Chief Technologist and VP of IBM's Technology Group
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Robert Calderbank

November 21, 2003
Quantum Computers and Cellular Phones
Speaker: Robert Calderbank, Math Department, Princeton University
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Dr. Pazzani

November 10, 2003
Computer and Information Science and Engineering at NSF
Speaker: Dr. Michael J. Pazzani, Dept. of ECE, Center for Communications and Computer Security, Carnegie Mellon University
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November 3, 2003
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Vijayakumar Bhagavatula

October 31, 2003
Biometric Authentication Using Correlation Filters
Speaker: Professor Vijayakumar Bhagavatula, Dept. of ECE, Center for Communications and Computer Security, Carnegie Mellon University
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Martin Haenggi

October 22, 2003
Wireless Ad Hoc & Sensor Networks with Rayleigh Fading
Speaker: Martin Haenggi, University of Notre Dame
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Gabriele Wienhausen

October 6, 2003
Sony Video I
Calit2 Education layer leader at UCSD Gabriele Wienhausen talks about Sixth College's focus on Culture, Art and Technology.
Speaker: Gabriele Wienhausen, Provost of UCSD's Sixth College
[news release]
[video]Length: 1:52

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