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Holiday Parade Video

December 9, 2002
Holiday Parade Video
Calit2's Smarr Honored as 'Technology Marshal' in Holiday Parade
Speaker: Larry Smarr, Director
[web article]
[video]Length: 2:49

Ender Ayanoglu

December 6, 2002
Towards Pervasive Communications: State and Future of Fixed Wireless and Wireless LANs
Speaker: Ender Ayanoglu, Director of the Center for Pervasive Communications, and Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at UC Irvine
[event info]
[webcast archive]

Dr. Pieter van Rooyen

November 22, 2002
Speaker: Dr. Pieter van Rooyen, Founder and Chief Technology Officer, Zyray Wireless, Inc. San Diego, CA
[event info]
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Dr. Wendy Baldwin

November 14, 2002
STEM CELLS: The Policy & The Promise
Speaker: Dr. Wendy Baldwin, Deputy Director for Extramural Research at the National Institutes of Health
[event info]
[webcast archive]

Feng Zhao

November 13, 2002
Distributed Algorithms for Networked Embedded Sensing Systems
Speaker: Feng Zhao, Palo Alto Research Center (formerly Xerox PARC)
[event info]
[webcast archive]

Ingolf Krueger

October 30, 2002
Video 1
Krueger talks about the challenges ahead for automakers and other industries in the realm of service engineering for distributed, reactive systems.
Speaker: Ingolf Krueger, Assistant Professor
[web article]
[video]Length: 10:41


October 30, 2002
Video 2
Krueger talks about a case study that modeled a production facility and draws conclusions about how to deal with "networking within and beyond car boundaries."
Speaker: Ingolf Krueger, Assistant Professor
[web article]
[video]Length: 13:19

Frieder Seible

October 28, 2002
Homeland Security Video
On UCSD-TV, Seible talks about the Jacobs School's homeland-security effort as well as plans for new structural earthquake testing facilities at UCSD.
Speaker: Frieder Seible, Dean
[web article]
[video]Length: 19:30


October 17, 2002
Baldi's Research Video
Baldi talks about his current research, including prediction of protein structures, using machine learning technique to analyze DNA microarray data, and bioterrorism--including a database of proteins involved in smallpox (pictured).
Speaker: Pierre Baldi, PI
[web article]
[video]Length: 1:28


October 15, 2002
Revchuk's Research Video
"A Wireless Near-Real Time Hydrometeorological Sensor Array in the Santa Margarita Ecological Reserve"
Speaker: Alex Revchuk, Calit2 Undergraduate Scholar
[web article]
[video]Length: 4:28

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