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Date: October 31, 2001
"The 21st Century Virtual Color Organ"
Location: 408 University Center, UCSD


Date: October 26, 2001
Voice User Interface Technologies and Their Applications
Location: EBU1 Room 4307, UCSD


Date: October 21, 2001 to October 26, 2001
IEEE Visualization Conference
Location: Paradise Point Resort, San Diego, CA


Date: October 20, 2001
UCSD Community Open House


Date: October 19, 2001
Calit2 Transportation Workshop
Location: Institute of the Americas, UCSD


Date: October 18, 2001 to October 19, 2001
10 Gigabit Ethernet workshop in San Diego


Date: October 17, 2001
Adaptive Antenna Systems - Application To Cellular
Location: Davis/Riverside Room, Price Center, UCSD


Date: October 17, 2001
Internet Pianos: A Realtime Duo Piano Concert over the Internet
Location: CRCA, Building 408 University Center and Winfred Smith Hall, UCSD and UCI


Date: October 15, 2001
NSF Workshop on an Infrastructure for Mobile and Wireless Systems
Location: Chapparal Suites Hotel, Scottsdale, AZ

Claude Shannon statue

Date: October 15, 2001 to October 16, 2001
Shannon Symposium and Statue Dedication
Location: Center for Magnetic Recording Research, UCSD
*Live Webcast