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Dr. Clemens Szyperski

Date: December 16, 2002
UCI Network Systems Distinguished Speaker
Location: McDonnell Douglas Auditorium, UCI


Date: December 14, 2002
Second International Workshop on Web and Wireless Geographical Information Systems
Location: Grand Hyatt, Singapore

Jaap Haartsen

Date: December 09, 2002
Short Range, Ad-Hoc Radio Systems
Location: CMRR Auditorium, UCSD

Ender Ayanoglu

Date: December 06, 2002
Towards Pervasive Communications: State and Future of Fixed Wireless and Wireless LANs
Location: CMRR Auditorium, UCSD
*Live Webcast


Date: December 05, 2002
Joint UCI/UCSD Workshop in Social Network Analysis
Location: Department of Sociology, UCI

Professor Steven D. Glaser

Date: December 04, 2002
"Cheap and Easy Structural Health Prognostication?"
Location: Engineering Gateway Building, Room 3311, UC Irvine

Alex Lightman

Date: November 26, 2002
Wearable Computers as a Core Technology for 4G Wireless
Location: Engineering Tower 331, UCI

Dr. Pieter van Rooyen

Date: November 22, 2002
Location: CMRR Auditorium, UCSD
*Live Webcast


Date: November 22, 2002
High-Tech Wildlife: Power-Aware Computing, Biocomplexity and the Princeton ZebraNet Project
Location: McDonnell Douglas Auditorium, UCI

Roy H. Campbell

Date: November 22, 2002
UCI Network Systems Distinguished Speaker
Location: McDonnell Douglas Auditorium, UCI