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Jignesh Patel, University of Wisconsin-Madison

Date: November 25, 2013
Data @ Bare Metal Speed
Location: Room 1202, CSE Building, UC San Diego

Scott Klemmer, UC San Diego Computer Science and Engineering; Cognitive Science

Date: November 22, 2013
Design at Large
Location: Calit2 Auditorium, Atkinson Hall, UC San Diego

Carson White, HRL Laboratories LLC

Date: November 22, 2013
Non-Foster Circuits and Applications
Location: CMRR Auditorium, Center for Magnetic Recording Research, UC San Diego

Eric Paulos, UC Berkeley

Date: November 21, 2013
Hybrid Assemblages, Environments, and Happenings
Location: Calit2 Room 4004, Atkinson Hall, UC San Diego

Vikah Gilja, ECE, UC San Diego

Date: November 21, 2013
Towards Clinically Viable Neural Prosthetic Systems
Location: EB-129 Level B1, East Annex, South Wing, SDSC, UC San Diego

Rahul Mangharam, University of Pennsylvania

Date: November 20, 2013
Closing-the-Loop with Cyber-Physical System Modeling
Location: Room 1202, CSE Building, UC San Diego

Junfeng Yang, Columbia University

Date: November 20, 2013
Determinism Is Not Enough: Making Parallel Programs Reliable with Stable Multithreading
Location: Room 4140, CSE Building, UC San Diego

Corey Toler-Franklin, UC Davis

Date: November 19, 2013
Photometric Capture Techniques for Analyzing Complex Surfaces
Location: Room 1202, CSE Building, UC San Diego

Ratul Mahajan, Microsoft

Date: November 18, 2013
Software-Driven Wide Area Network (SWAN)
Location: Room 1202, CSE Building, UC San Diego

Jim Gemmell, Trōv

Date: November 18, 2013 to November 19, 2013
Sensecam 2013
Location: Calit2 Auditorium, Atkinson Hall, UC San Diego