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Cristina Della Coletta, Dean, Arts & Humanities, UC San Diego

Date: December 03, 2014
Maker Spaces: A Panel Discussion
Location: Room 1202, CSE Building, UC San Diego

Kenneth Zeger, ECE, UC San Diego

Date: December 03, 2014
Matroids and Networks
Location: Calit2 Room 4004, Atkinson Hall, UC San Diego

Alvy Ray Smith, computer graphics pioneer

Date: November 24, 2014
From Pixels to Pixar
Location: Room 1202, CSE Building, UC San Diego

Nabil Simaan, Ph.D., Vanderbilt University

Date: November 24, 2014
Intelligent Surgical Robots and Complementary Situational Awareness in Surgery
Location: Room 2512, Jacobs Hall, UC San Diego

Carlos Olguin, Autodesk Research

Date: November 19, 2014
Programming Matter Across Domains and Scales
Location: Calit2 Room 1601, Atkinson Hall, UC San Diego

Luigi Rizzo, Professor, Computer Engineering, University of Pisa (Italy)

Date: November 19, 2014
High-Speed Software Networking and Virtual Machines
Location: Room 4140, CSE Building, UC San Diego

Bernhard Haeupler, Carnegie Mellon

Date: November 19, 2014
Coding for Interactive Communication Made Communication Efficient and Easy (or how to make conversations robust to noise.)
Location: Room 4258, CSE Building, UC San Diego

Hamid Jafarkhani, UC Irvine

Date: November 19, 2014
Distributed Variable-Length Limited Feedback in Cooperative Wireless Networks
Location: Calit2 Room 4004, Atkinson Hall, UC San Diego

Just Drive: Take Action Against Distraction

Date: November 18, 2014
Just Drive: Take Action Against Distraction
Location: Calit2 Auditorium, Atkinson Hall, UC San Diego

David G. Stork, Rambus Labs

Date: November 14, 2014
Lensless ultra-miniature computational sensors and imagers: Using computing to do the work of optics
Location: Room 2512, Jacobs Hall, UC San Diego