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Date: February 16, 2004 to February 17, 2004
Second International Workshop on Protocols for Fast Long-Distance Networks
Location: Argonne National Laboratory, Chicago, IL


Date: February 13, 2004
Unsupervised Model Training for DNA Sequence analysis Algorithms
Location: McDonnell Douglas Auditorium, UCI


Date: February 13, 2004
Computer Vision Based Modeling and Recognition of Human-Human Interactions
Location: Engineering Tower 331, UCI


Date: February 12, 2004
Next Generation Online Games: Enabling Seamless Multiplayer Gaming Across Any Network or Device
Location: McDonnell Douglas Auditorium, UCI


Date: February 03, 2004
Results of the Chronic Clinical Trial in Subjects With Epiretinal Prosthesis
Location: McDonnell Douglas Auditorium, UCI


Date: January 30, 2004 to February 01, 2004
Powering Up/Powering Down
Location: Price Center and other UCSD campus venues, La Jolla, CA


Date: January 27, 2004
Photonic Crystal Fibers: a multifaceted super-highway for light
Location: 3311 Engineering Gateway Building, UCI


Date: January 22, 2004
Machine Learning Methods for Computational Proteomics and Beyond
Location: AP&M 4301, UCSD


Date: January 20, 2004 to January 23, 2004
GlobusWORLD 2004
Location: Westin St. Francis Hotel, San Francisco, CA


Date: January 10, 2004 to January 12, 2004
Automotive Software Workshop
Location: Sea Lodge on La Jolla Shores, San Diego, CA