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Mobile Medical App Roadshow Workshop on Managing App Development Under FDA Regulation

Date: January 27, 2014
Mobile Medical Apps Roadshow Workshop
Location: Liebow Auditorium, 2nd floor, Biomedical Sciences Building, UC San Diego

CSE Day 2014

Date: January 23, 2014
Computer Science and Engineering Day
Location: Room 1202, CSE Building, UC San Diego

Mihaela van der Schaar

Date: January 22, 2014
Designing Optimal Resource Sharing in the Long Run
Location: Calit2 Room 4004, Atkinson Hall, UC San Diego

George Papen

Date: January 17, 2014
Hybrid Datacenter Networks
Location: Calit2 Auditorium, Atkinson Hall, UC San Diego

Dietmar Kissinger, University of Erlangen-Nuremberg (Germany)

Date: January 17, 2014
Miniaturized Broadband Transceivers and Sensor Systems in Silicon-Germanium Technology
Location: Room 4309, Jacobs Hall, UC San Diego

Jessice Yi-Chieh Wu, MIT

Date: January 15, 2014
Models and Algorithms for Phylogenetic Reconstruction
Location: Room 1202, CSE Building, UC San Diego

Jim C. Cheng, UC Berkeley

Date: January 15, 2014
Toward Enabling the Internet of Things: Nanoprinting the Way to a Trillion Sensors
Location: Room 2512, Jacobs Hall, UC San Diego

Terry Hwa, Professor of Physics, UCSD

Date: January 10, 2014
Quantitative Biology: Frontier at the Interface of the Quantitative and Life Sciences
Location: CMRR Auditorium, Center for Magnetic Recording Research, UC San Diego

Kate Lockwood

Date: January 10, 2014
An Approach to Teaching Computer Science
Location: Room 1202, CSE Building, UC San Diego

Clockwise from top left: Peter Ballantine, Ryan Bishop, Benjamin Bratton, Robert Skelton

Date: January 09, 2014
AUTONOMOUS Perspectives: A Forum on Art, Engineering and Critical Theory
Location: gallery@calit2, Atkinson Hall, UC San Diego