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Factor Building at UCLA

Date: November 04, 2004
Post-Earthquake Structural Condition Assessment by Real-Time Monitoring of Dynamic and Static Deformations
Location: 3161 Engineering Gateway, UC Irvine


Date: November 02, 2004
Structural and Spectroscopic Analysis of Catalytically Grown Carbon Nanotubes
Location: Auditorium, CMRR, UCSD

Padhraic Smyth

Date: November 01, 2004
What is in the Data? Using Computer Science and Statistics to Search for Structure in Massive Data Sets
Location: AP&M 4301, UCSD

Social Science Plaza

Date: October 30, 2004
Decisions and Justice
Location: Social Science Plaza, Room 2112, UC Irvine

Jinchae Kim

Date: October 28, 2004
Fundamentals of Photonic Crystal Fibers
Location: 3161 Engineering Gateway, UC Irvine

Rui de Figueiredo

Date: October 27, 2004
Transitioning From a "Linear" World to a "Nonlinear" World
Location: McDonnell Douglas Auditorium, UC Irvine

Center for Pervasive Communications and Computing

Date: October 26, 2004
Automating the Supply Chain
Location: Engineering Tower 331, UC Irvine


Date: October 26, 2004
Capacity of Two-Dimensional Run-Length Constrained Hexagonal Channels
Location: CMRR Auditorium, UCSD

Student Spectrum

Date: October 25, 2004
Calit2 First Ever Student Event: STUDENT SPECTRUM
Location: La Jolla Hyatt Aventime, La Jolla, CA

Joseph A. Konstan

Date: October 22, 2004
Institute for Software Research 2004-05 Distinguished Speaker Series.
Location: McDonnell Douglas Engineering Auditorium (Building 311), UC Irvine