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Michele Zorzi, University of Padua

Date: November 18, 2013
Cognitive Access Policies Under a Primary ARQ Process Via Forward-Backward Interference Cancellation
Location: Calit2 Room 4004, Atkinson Hall, UC San Diego

Edmund Yeh, Northeastern University

Date: November 15, 2013
VIP: A Framework for Joint Dynamic Forwarding and Caching in Named Data Networks
Location: Calit2 Room 4004, Atkinson Hall, UC San Diego

James H. Fowler, UC San Diego

Date: November 14, 2013
The Power of Friends in Big Data
Location: Calit2 Room 4004, Atkinson Hall, UC San Diego

Cathal Gurrin, Dublin City University

Date: November 14, 2013
Personal Life Archives: Challenges and Opportunities
Location: Room 1202, CSE Building, UC San Diego

Ruth Williams, UCSD Mathematics

Date: November 13, 2013
Resource Sharing in Stochastic Networks
Location: Room 4309, Jacobs Hall, UC San Diego

Rajesh Venkatasubramanian, VMware

Date: November 08, 2013
Study of the Impact of Fast Non-Volatile Memory on Virtualized Environments
Location: Room 2154, CSE Building, UC San Diego

Elizabeth Gerber, Northwestern University

Date: November 07, 2013
Crowds, Computers and Community: Improving Capacity to Innovate
Location: Calit2 Room 4004, Atkinson Hall, UC San Diego

Moxie Center at UC San Diego

Date: November 06, 2013
Celebrating Student Entrepreneurship
Location: Qualcomm Conference Room, Jacobs Hall, UC San Diego

Raef Bassily, Penn State

Date: November 06, 2013
Causal Erasure Channels
Location: Room 4309, Jacobs Hall, UC San Diego

Vijay Narayanan, Pennsylvania State

Date: November 04, 2013
Vision Analytics: Confluence of Algorithms, Architectures and Technology
Location: Room 1202, CSE Building, UC San Diego