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Date: April 24, 2003
University of Openness
Location: CRCA 408UCtr, UCSD

Adam Berger

Date: April 23, 2003
A Supercomputer in Your Cell Phone
Location: Room APM 4301, AP&M, UCSD


Date: April 22, 2003
Lecture Series: Trends in Data Mining for Scientific Application
Location: 4301 AP&M, SDSC, UCSD


Date: April 11, 2003
INRF Open House
Location: McDonnell Douglas Engineering Auditorium, UCI


Date: April 10, 2003 to April 12, 2003
Life By Design Everyday Digital Culture
Location: HIB 135, 137, Beall Center for Art and Technology, UCI


Date: April 10, 2003
RoboDemo Software Donation and Demonstration
Location: CRCA, UCSD


Date: April 07, 2003
Active Space Workshop & Open Lab
Location: Beall Center, UCI


Date: April 06, 2003 to April 08, 2003
Home Oriented Informatics and Telematics 2003
Location: Beckman Center, UCI


Date: April 04, 2003
CRCA Research Mixer
Location: CRCA, UCSD


Date: April 03, 2003
The 1st International Workshop on In-Vehicle Cognitive Computer Vision Systems (IVC2VS)
Location: Convention Center, Graz, Austria